Lead Like A B.O.S.S. Podcast
Welcome to the GK|BC Leadership Lead Like A B.O.S.S.© podcast, where we feature entrepreneurial leaders of all types that are having a positive influence in our communities & on our planet.
B.O.S.S.© is an acronym which stands for Bravery, Optimism, Security & Sustainability. Today’s entrepreneurs are the unsung heroes of our society. They tackle the world’s most challenging problems, support millions of families and are among the most generous philanthropic givers.
The Lead Like A B.O.S.S.© podcast aims to offer real value to SMBs (small & medium-sized businesses). Most of the business leadership books and courses available on the market are aimed at either tech start-ups with tons of funding or mega-corporations like Apple, Tesla, Starbuck’s and the like.
We want to provide practical advice and real-world examples f how everyday business owners are making a difference in their companies & communities. Topics include leadership challenges, recruiting, training, and business development.
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