Welcome to the GK|BC Leadership Lead Like A B.O.S.S.© podcast, where we feature entrepreneurial leaders of all types that are having a positive influence in our communities & on our planet.
In this episode, he interviewed Jeannie Henderson the CEO of Jeannie Cleaning. She is Cleaning Business Fundamentals Coach and has been an entrepreneur in the Kalamazoo area for over 35 years. Before joining the cleaning industry, she was a partner in over 30 top-performing franchise restaurant locations. Jeannie Cleaning was recognized as a “Top 3 Partner” in 2021 by Cleaning for a Reason for providing free cleaning to cancer patients.
Jeannie is the Chairperson of the ISSA Residential Cleaning Council of North America and was a 2021 ISSA Cleaning Innovation Awards Judge. She advocates for local businesses as a board member of Buy Local Kalamazoo. She is a Business Coach and is driven to help business leaders live a life of abundance.